The Secret Things…The Revealed Things

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”

Deuteronomy 29:29

Deuteronomy 29:29 is one of my favorite verses. There have been and still are times in my life when I would love to know what God is doing. Why did that happen? Where are you, God? What does this or that mean? I would really like to know, God. Hello, God, are you there? Yet, twelve times throughout the Old Testament and seven times in the New Testament scriptures God declares He will never leave us nor forsake and encourages us to not be afraid or discouraged. I cannot say God is not near because that would not be true considering all these scriptures. But, the questions remains:  God, why are you silent at times? Then, one day, I came upon Deuteronomy 29:29 and my perspective changed and so did I. All the crying and frustration to know the truth about a matter was not going to move God if what I longed to know was “secret information”. I need to be OK with that! He does not owe me an answer for things too big for me to understand this side of eternity. He is the parent; I am the child. A good parent, at times and for good reason, does or allows things to happen beyond their child’s understanding and comprehension. 

So, what do I do when God is silent, and the answers appear hidden? Live in-light of what He does reveal! Let that, for now, be enough. He chooses to reveal things not only for my good but the good of my children. He reveals things about himself that build trust and confidence and remind me that He is Lord not me. If we are honest, God reveals so much. We need to learn how to embrace the things revealed and let go of the need to know the secret things – the mysteries of God. What He reveals creates a pathway to love and joy despite the trails and hardships. What is certain is greater than what is uncertain. What is unknown should have less of an affect than what is known 

Now, we see in part; then we shall know fully. I Corinthians 13:12   That will be a great day!  For now, we need to seek the revealed things and embrace what that knowledge produces. What is the end effect of revealed things?  The Love of God. Jesus said, “…I have made you (The Father) known to them and will continue to make you known, in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”  John 17:25 Do you see it?  Revelation releases God’s love in you! It causes you to experience His love and provides you opportunity to respond, to love God in return. And what is the effect of love in you? Jesus said, “As much as the Father loves you, so do I love you. Now, remain in my love.” John 15:9 But it doesn’t stop there. The next few verses tell us what God’s love produces. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11   Love produces joy in us! Some translate the word “complete” as “full.”  Want to be complete and full of joy?  Then, love in Him!

Finally, let me leave you with an allegory. Look at your life as a puzzle. Each part of your life is like a piece of that puzzle. As you seek the Lord, He starts putting the pieces together. Now, you can see just how the Lord is working in your life. As each piece comes together, you begin to see what God is doing or has done and the picture brings a greater understanding of what your life means to God, your callings, giftings given to you and your children. However, as you journey through life, you will notice missing pieces. These pieces are the mysteries of God, the secret pieces. They are just as much part of your life as the pieces you can see, but God is asking you to focus on the known pieces, the revealed pieces. He asks, “Can you enjoy the pieces revealed and let go of the pieces unseen, the secret pieces?” He will keep those pieces under His care until that day when He gives them to you and sets them perfectly in place. It is then you will see why. All will be revealed, and you will praise Him. It will all make sense one day, and you will glorify God for His wisdom and goodness. Can you praise Him today even as the secret pieces remain unseen? If you can and do praise Him, Love and Joy await you.

Love’s Influence For Everyone who delights in the things revealed and, yet, does not despise the mysteries of God.

J.W. Brinkley